Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A wee meeting at my house

There was a meeting at my house on Sunday night, a few of us sat down over some beer (thanks Steve :-)) to chat about the situation and to decide what we should do about it all. Here are the minutes from it - please, let me know if I've missed anything.

Mailin has made some posters for us and has been taking them round to some of the local shops. She's been talking to the owners there and finding out what they think of the new parking arrangements. It looks like they're not entirely chuffed. We all decided that we should try to join forces. At the moment there might be a bit of a conflict in the things we're asking for, so if we can sort something out to the mutual benefit of all then everything will go much more smoothly. If Monica (leading the traders' group) comes to the next MSCC meeting we'll talk then, otherwise we'll arrange something specially.

We discussed some possible ideas that might suit both groups. Steve suggested triple use spaces for all spaces. All spaces would then be free for residents, x hours ticket and regulations and free half hour loading. We'll find out what the traders have in mind.

Janne offered to help Mailin speaking to the local traders and putting posters up.

We decided that flyers on car windows would be a very good idea. Mailin, who's already done a great on the posters, volunteered to design the flyers. We'll put them on car windows at the same time that we deliver letters to people.

We thought we should try to get more articles published in the local newspapers about this. Hugh will ask Cameron Rose if he would like to set his hand to this. Steve will try to persuade his wife, Catrina, to give it a shot and Sarah said she would write something, too.

We also decided to split the letter delivery task into two bits. Preparing the envelopes and doing all the letter folding is just about as time consuming as doing the deliveries! Mailin and Sarah offered to do that bit and others will do the deliveries.

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