Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The other part of Ruth's answer

Dear Mr Leather,

Residents’ Parking Zone 8

I refer to your recent enquiries regarding the above.

In response to your query please note the following.
The total number of permit holders in Zone 8 is 1225.
The total number of permit spaces in Zone 8 is 829.

On-street kerb side parking is at a premium within the city and the residents’ parking scheme is in place to ensure that residents have priority over other motorists during the restricted hours. Unfortunately, it is not possible to guarantee every permit holder a parking space within the street in which they reside.

In addition to residents’ parking bays, permit holders can park free of charge in pay and display bays within their zone between 8.30am and 9.00am. In addition, permit holders resident in Zones 1-4 can also park in pay and display bays in their zone between 5.30pm and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday and between 1.30pm and 6.30pm on Saturday.

With regard to pay and display spaces in Zone 8, please find attached a copy of schedule 5 of The Corporation of Edinburgh (Traffic Regulation; Restrictions on Waiting, Loading and Unloading, and Parking Places) Order 1973. This contains details of the number of pay and display bays within each street in zone 8.

The rules governing the residents’ permit scheme mean that any motorist meeting the residential qualifications in zones 1 to 8 may apply for a resident permit. Within the new extended Controlled Parking Zone, permits are limited to two per household.

We expect there to be an increase in the number of zone 8 permit holders as motorists who had been parking in the unrestricted streets just outside Zone 8 are no longer able to do so. However, we are currently considering the option of increasing the availability of spaces for permit holders in zone 8 and should anything change then all residents within the zone will be informed in due course.

I hope that this information is of use. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me on 0131 469 3698 or by e-mail at

Yours sincerely

Ruth Muir
Customer Care Section
Parking Operations

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