Thursday, November 09, 2006

A reply from Murray Black (Bins)

Sarah has received a reply from the council about the bins. I've copied it out below.

Personally, I had no idea about the bins until they were suddenly moved. How many of you knew or did not know where they were going?

I also don't think it really matters whether or not we were aware at the time or whether or not we attend the German Church. What matters is that it is our street and we don't like where they've put the bins now. We want them moved now and so far we haven't heard a good reason (except a hint at some bureaucratic inertia) why they can't simply be put in the right place.

Dear Ms Sandow,


I refer to your recent enquiry with regard to the above.

The locations along Marchmont Crescent were chosen to minimise walking distances and ensure public safety, as residents are not required to cross the public thoroughfare to deposit their domestic waste. Efforts were made to reduce the impact on residents' car parking and adjustments to the parking bays were carried out accordingly.

I assure you that the new locations were advertised and all statutory procedures were followed.

All of the waste container bays, that were marked on the carriageways within Marchmont, were on display at the public exhibitions held at the German Speaking Church on Chalmers Crescent on 7 and 8 May 2003.

The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) procedure began on 1 September 2003 and the standard procedures regarding public notification were carried out. On 28 May 2004, statutory bodies were notified; a legal notice was advertised in the Scotsman; and Street Bills were in place along Marchmont Crescent and remained up until 18 June 2004.

Our Highways and Waste Management Officers satisfactorily addressed any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order that were received and subsequently the TRO/03/44 came into effect on 20 April 2004.

Unfortunately, statutory obligations will not allow the Department to accommodate your request to relocate the waste containers. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Jonathon James on 469 5479.

Yours sincerely,

Murray Black
Senior Waste Management Officer


What are the statutory obligations?

I have spoken with Jonathon James already. There's a report on that meeting in the blog, here.

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