Saturday, October 21, 2006

Welcome to the Marchmont Parking Campaign

Hi everyone,

I thought this would be better than writing emails to people interested in the campaign since new people won't be able to read them. This is my first blog ever (showing my age a little) and so I hope this all goes well.

This blog is all about the parking situation in Zone 8 in Edinburgh. Just recently, the council has created a new, neighbouring zone, S1. That area used to have a ton of free parking and lots of people in Zone 8 used to park up there. But, now that they can't, most of Zone 8 are forced to park in their own bit and, well, there just aren't enough spaces.

The council has only provided only 738 residents' spaces but they've sold 1228 permits! Not surprisingly it has become impossible to park. I've been receiving anecdotal evidence from people that they've had to park streets and streets away. Something really needs to be done.


Anonymous said...

I think you are doing a fantastic job and I am gratefult hat you are doing this on our behalf

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above comment - this is getting to be a joke. i am sick of driving round for nearly an hour at a time trying to find a space - surely it is illegal for the council to profit from this scam of a service. for example say you went to a hotel and paid for a room, then they turned round and said sorry there are no rooms available, so you wait in the hall a while, then someone comes up and issues you a fine - MADNESS!!